Two days before the Swallowtail festival an unlikely uncounted occurs. Benin, and dwarf, and his cleric companion on horse back have met up with a reclusive Fetchling knight. They have been traveling for a couple of days between Magnimar to Sandpoint. Each with their own objectives in the town. Arandor, a Thassalonian scholar is also on the road heading to Sandpoint to study the "Old Light". He believes it is something other than a light house. A bard is walking along with a slaver who has in his cage-cart a minitor captured in Magnimar. The slaver intends to use the Minitor in shows at the Sandpoint Playhouse.
The armored dwarves and the fetchling run across this group after they have been waylaid by goblins. The slaver is dead, goblins poking spears at the caged Minataur and attacking the bard. The wizard had recently walked past them, prior to the goblin attack. He is running back. A locally known Kobold who had been tracking the cart from the woods, yet has a hatred of the goblins, rushes into the fight.
- All fight. Finish the Goblins. The Dwarves are not great riders.
- While Sayal loots the slaver, the others argue over whether or not to free the beast. The minitor grabs a dwarf holding him to the bars, but releases him when threatened. "I'm not vile!"
- The kobold frees the beast, the others leave the scene, not wanting anything to do with the monsters.
- The scene is left with a dead horse, and human slaver in the road, 4 dead goblins in the road … and Arandor carves into the od of the wagon, "Gobllnz bin heer"
- Arrive in town. Leave horses with Hosk. Hosk is surprised to hear of the goblins being so bold. He gets the sherif and heads out to check out the scene.
- The party discovers they are here two days before the Swallow Tail Festival. A festival in honor of Desna, but for Sandpoint, signifying the end of their woes after the "late unpleasantness" a few years earlier. This is also the christening of their new cathedral (burned down during the unpleasantness.)
- The late unpleasantness was a time of multiple hardships. The other being "the chopper". A local, carter of birds, Jarvis Stoot, went mad and killed around 30 people. The townsfolk have since destroyed the carvings around the town.
- Arandor, excited to get to the old light heads straight there. The monitor and the kobold follow. Gaurds trail the unlikely group, but do not hamper them.
- Benin goes to the church as he has a note from the Father at the church saying he has information on Benins dad Thorin. At the church Benin discovers the priest and his daughter died in the fire during the "late unpleasantness". Benin, reaching a dead end prays to his god that he will get another lead … just then the priest remembers and returns to Benin his father's weapon, "The Harbinger of Thorin". He also suggests he talk to the stable master Hosk as Thorin and Hosk once fought goblin tribes together. (they already did talk, but he didn't know the connection.
- The fetchling has business of her own in town
- At around this point the Fetchling and Dwarves meet up with the beastly group at the old light … out of curiosity. Aroandor has confirmed that he is probably correct in saying that this was not an old light. A guard suggests they talk to another Thassalonian scholar, Quink, which they do. Discovering more Thassalonian lore from Quink, they learn that he believes the tower was once a weapon.
- At this point they all head back to the Rusty Dragon where they meet Ameiko, the bard plays some tunes, and they get rooms. Hosk and the sheriff come back. The party gets a scolding for leaving bodies lying around on the road, especially citizens. Benin suggests the Sherriff talk to the playhouse about slavers bringing slave-monitors for the show. They discover that these are birdcruncher goblins and are usually not so bold.
- Hosk and the Sheriff are very concerned that they saw goblin writing. They fear they are getting smart. Noone in the group fesses up to having done that.
- Benin talks with Hosk. Hosk recounts his experience battling goblin tribes with the great thorin and states that when Thorin began his quest with the priest Hosk was still off fighting goblins and knows very little. He suggests that the Kujitsu family may know some more.
- They discover a help wanted poster - Missing Dogs, Reward for the Sandpoint Devil, Auditions at the playhouse, Hobbit seeking companions for journey
Starday, Arodus 31, 4707 (Absalon Reckoning)
- Splitting again, Sayal, Benin and the Kobold (Skrimshaw) explore town.
- They over here two folks arguing about how the husband leaves the vault door unlocked all the time.
- The group overhears children talking about how the academy/orphanage master grows goblins in his basement, or has phantom spiders, or maybe even the Sandpoint Devil.
- They also hear a strange chant sung by the children about who Benin later discovers is the grumpy town smithy.
- They are soon tasked by a mother seeking her lost child. Benin's dog tracks him to the junkyard cliff where they are confronted by more goblins and a goblin dog. After a valiant leap from the cliff walkway to the beach, Sayal fights at close quarters with the goblins but ends up significantly injured and walks back to the Rusty dragon. Skrimshaw continues mapping town, and Benin does some further investigating.
- Confronting the Acadamy master he is invited into the basement. The man keeps his old adventuring trophies in the basement and is more than happy to show them off. Benin does not discover any evildoing.
- On the way home the fetchling has her own encounter.
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