Friday, April 18, 2014

A few busy days after the Swallowtail festival

Sheriff Hemlock comes in asking about a crypt/vault next to graveyard that appears to have been broken into. Houses remains of previous caretakers. He reports that there are many footprints which appear to be from goblins, but some of the tracks appear to be larger and humanoid.

Went to crypt and fought and killed two skellies. Father Eziekiel's crypt has been opened and his remains have been taken. Discovere a robe in one corner of the room with missing patches and we believe the patches might have magical powers. We find the tracks outside and see that there are six goblinoids and one humanoid footprints.

Behnin and Sayal talk to Father Zantis. Get nothing.

Alma Avertin of the Savory Goods, brings us lovely treats. Behnin and Sayal head to Rusty Dragon to heal the dog.

Aldurin takes us on his boar hunt.  Head to Tickwood; rents horses for those who don't have them.  Sayal rides her own, because shes cool like that.

Aldurin has lots of money, talks a big game. Quietly hunting the boar. Man servants rout out the boar and the chase is on. Dog nearly dies. :( Sayal kills the boar. Aldurin impressed.

We all drink in tavern. Stranger comes in speaking in foreign language. Locals get interested in their meals. Skrimshaw recognizes him as Longinko. He berates us as adventurers and interferers. He gets in fight with daughter, Ameiko. She brains him with ladle. Says you're as dead to me as your mother. She laughs it off, but is upset.

Behnin runs after him. Tries to ask about Thorin, his father. Gets nothing.

Shalelu Andosanna is an Elvish ranger who looks into goblin and other activity in the area.

Bunch of young women talking and laughing and looking at Behnin.

Ran back to the crypt to follow the goblin tracks. Seem to follow near path back toward Tickwood. Lose tracks pretty quickly along trail. Give up and head back to town.

Ameiko tells us about her dad - who disapproves of her adventuring/bar tending lifestyle.

Benin gets gift for his beard from an admirer.  Guy with trash barrel hits on Sayal.

Aaron and his mother come up with a tale of goblins in the closet who have killed their second dog and bitten all over Aaron's arm. Follow them to their home to investigate. Dad is dead all bitten and flesh torn away. Crazy looking goblin comes out of the hole. We kill the goblin and search the closet. Goblin has been there a few days, has collected some kid clothes and stuff.  He's got some sort of crawl space with no obvious outlet; find carcass of dog, mostly eaten. Appears to have junky jewelry on, partial fork, piece of glass. Take bodies away, contact sheriff. Bury dog and husband and goblin (not together). Woman goes with sheriff to father Zantis. Goblins thrown over junker's edge. Funeral planned for husband.

Shalelu reporting that there are all five goblin bands working together. Worried that there may be some big threat behind it.

She's finding goblin activity in Mosswood and Nettleswood. Sheriff heading to Magnamar to get help/information, leaves us a bit in charge, deputizing Behnin and Sayal in his absence.

Shalelu joins us at the Rusty Dragon for dinner.

Goblin tribe info from Shay:

·       Birdcrunchers - least aggressive.
·       Licktoad - Brinestump Marsh - excellent swimmers
·       Seventooth goblins of Shankswood - raiders of junk yard, making armor and weapons with their finds
·       Mosswood - largest tribe, lots of inter-family warring
·       Thistletop - Nettleswood coast on island that resembles a decapitated head.

Goblins live short, violent lives.  Shalelu tells us of the currently known big bad goblins:

·       Big Gugmut. Tall Mosswood goblin. Hobgoblin/wild boar parentage.
·       Koruvus. Champion Seventooth. Has a human-sized sword. Hidden or lost or dead May be hiding out.
·       Vorka - cannibal goblin. Eats Licktoads
·       Rendwattle Gutwad - obese brine stone goblin. Never leaves his throne.
·       Ripnugget - Thistletop leader. Controls best lair.
·       Bruthazmus - bugbear (goblinoid) ranger. Lives in Nettleswood. Trades stuff that he's gotten. Hates elves. Shalulu hopes to be the one to kill him rather than vice versa

Tsuto - blames step father Lonjinko for goblin activity (and in previous time for mother's death).

Wrote note getting Ameiko to glassworks to discuss his concerns about Lonjinko. She has since disappeared. We go to investigate.

Once there, we separate into different hallways. Almost immediately, Arandor is beset by goblins. Workers all dead, covered in molten glass. Big fight.

Kill many goblins, some run off at the end of the room. We search the room and find dead bodies, works of art, which turns out to be Lonjinko covered artistically (and painfully, and deadlily) in glass. Arandor and Sayal give chase.

Dead bodies everywhere. Not yet sure if Ameiko is among dead.

Search main floor - find nothing interesting.
Head downstairs and discover Tsuto in a locked room. He won't let us in, but leads us down a pathway whereupon he nearly kills us all, running away only when Behnin does a bit of damage. Arandor's dodo companion did score a wound on Tsuto's foot.

In room, get journal. Arandor keeps.

Find Ameiko all bound and gagged. She is distraught. Tsuto and other mercenaries led by Nulia. Father Ezekiel's daughter, who perished in the fire. Has big plans. Has a group at Thistletop.

She was beset by his goblins. And we tell her about her dad.

Long tunnel. Dead ends. We don't know where Tsuto went.

Read journal: maps of Sandpoint and attack plans, one of which already happened. Also drawings of Nulia. Next entries show battles of up to 200 goblins. Big claw, bat wings, tail, etc. on drawing of Nulia.

Raid was successful got the casket.
Malfeshenkor's release is going to do something.
Clearly Nulia is nutso.

Next need to put guards on the glassworks and monitor smuggling.

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