Monday, November 10, 2014

The Final Conflict

Facing a door in a hallway, we enter a room with a domed ceiling, six standing sarcophagi and a statue in the middle of the room of a stern looking man with a book and a glave. The statue appears Thasselonian and old.  Behnin opens the first sarcophagus and,startled by the skeleton falling out, smashes it apart. Realize that the room appears to be an honorable place where the Thasselonians buried their architects. Some sort of black whispy thing swoops down from above. Touches Arandor and clearly wounds/drains him instantly. 

Learning from knowledge religion, find out the whispy things need magic weapons to damage them, then damage is lessened. Understand that these whispy are the whispy of the architects.

Sayal swings and misses, gives extra surge to Behnin who spews forth violent violence. Sayal ducks free of another attack, but loses another bit of strength. Skrimshaw uses her tiny Kobold self to decimate one of the whispies and damages another one nicely, too.  The anger is becoming overwhelming to all. Arandor hits again with a burst of angry flame and watches its life force seeping out, reaching for him and missing before dying miserably. Skrimshaw kills the last whisp, and then, as a result of the anger, cusses us all out. 

As a group, we search the room, investigating the sarcophagi and statue. Get nothing. Find a secret door leading to a passageway heading downstairs. Hear the sound of sloshing water. We enter the room and see a crumbled room, with tide pools entering the broken walls. On on wall is an elaborate carving/drawing, see a mythical city with a thousand spires and the Kodar mountains. Large coral encrusted, gold, giant-sized helmet - 5 feet across - in the water. The helmet rises up and turns toward us. 

We take shots at it, and it repays us with pincher claw attacks. When we defeat it, we swim for gold (diving for dollars): jade amulet of natural armor (+1), the ancient helm is worth 3000gp (weighing 300 lbs), 3500 silver, 630gp. 

When we get to the bridge, we find many goblins come to assist Nulia. Sayal impersonates Nulia to send them away. 

The town considers the party heroes. The goblins retreat and everyone seems safe(ish). We take over Thistletop and hire some mercenaries to help protect. Arandor lights the big fires each day. Ameiko starts up the glassworks again. We retake the catacombs of wrath, barring the entrances on all ends. The person we hired to clear out the latrine gets killed by a trap, but we find their treasure buried there: 7400 copper, 2490 silver, 89 gold, 3 platinum, 34 gp, medium chain shirt, medium masterwork scimitar, masterwork manacles, holy symbol of Sarenrae (100gp), jade necklace (60gp), blue silk gown with gold trim (150gp).

We raise the baby goblins to be kind and good and smart. We discover the water tunnel escape route, and that the bridge is trapped (no more than one medium body over at a time).

Ameiko finds a chest found among her grandfather's belongings relating to Thorin. And Sayal sees someone who is coming along, clearly related to a shipment Sayal keeps a room at Ameiko's, enabling her to continue her training and keep an eye out for her thugs. Behnin moves forward with Shayliss, and her father is warming to him. He begins to look for political opportunities. Arandor uses the time to investigate more Thasselonian lore and artifacts, while working to train in his magics. 

Magnimar knows of our heroism; word is getting out that Sandpoint is safe because of us. The goblins dissipate. No word on the end result of Tsutso or Brathuzmus.

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