Monday, June 23, 2014

Thistletop continues

Confronted by goblins dogs. Skrimshaw takes the first one out. The remaining three are quickly and quietly despatched. We see the island, which is across 60 feet of rope bridge. There is a wooden fort with 30 foot towers. Kill gull still going on inside fort. In the first room, there are poorly preserved dog and horse heads and a set of harpy wings tacked to the wall with daggers. I take the fancy, pearl handled dagger.

Benin goes up first tower (West). Opens trap door at the top, finds two sleeping goblins in the company of several pickles and half-eaten pickles. He picks up the two goblins to toss them over the side. He succeeds with one, but has to kill the second one before tossing him over. 

Goes into second tower and through the trapdoor. Hears arguing. Brings Bartland up, who hears them arguing about a game.  Sounds like two voices. The dwarves kill the goblins and return to the party. 

Head into the fort's interior. Burst in on a room where goblins appear to be training to fight three longshanks. Arandor knocks a few out with his color spell; Benin takes out the lizard, and a few of the goblins, but more keep coming. 

Odd things happen: Benin's hammer careams out of his hand and hits a goblin, then swings back around to return him. Sayal takes damage and should be passed out, but remained standing, able to fight. Everyone is pretty angry and wounded.

Some of the goblins and dogs run off, but we finally kill the big boss Ripnugget. A quick search of the room (C19) turns up crown worth 20gp, a red potion per goblin (7), chest plate, sword, key ring with keys. Anger begins to dissipate at the end of the battle.

Sayal drank two of the red potions for a medium bit of healing. Benin, Bartland, and Erandor each drink potions for healing. Leaving us with 2 light and one medium potions of healing left.

A search of the main floor turns up many grody rooms with lots of filth. Ripnugget's room held one holy symbol from Lamashtu. In the west side courtyard, we kill four goblin dogs, find a room full of caged rabbits, and a room that has some large snuffling animal thing boarded in. Skrimshaw and Sayal attempt to disable the door lock while Benin and Bartland go into then north hall to further investigate.

Arandor, who stayed behind in the lobby with doggie, is overset by the goblins who were outside playing kill gull. He uses Color Spray again to disable most of his goblin attackers. Then flames them for further damage. In the end, he takes them all down and finishes them off with coups de grace. 

Benin finds stairs heading downstairs at the north end of the main floor.

Skrimshaw gets the door open to discover a heavy war horse, hog tied and neglected. Poor health and hungry. Sayal uses her animal handling skills to calm and feed the war horse. Sayal takes the horse, Shadow Mist, as part of the party.  

Remaining room is a store room, including grain which we take for Shadow Mist.

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